/msg login
/msg login <password>
Login on a registered nick.

/msg register
/msg register <email> <password>
Register your nick.

/msg sendpassword
Request an email with your password.

/msg setpassword
/msg setpassword <email> <old_password> <new_password>
Set a new password.

!help <command>
Show available commands and syntax on invidual command.
!help <command> <subcommand>
Show available commands and syntax on invidual command.

Shows what versions the server have running.

Show what skins is used.

!skin <idornick>
Show what skin a player have selected.
Show what skin you have selected.

Show how much you have left on skin or vehicle.
!hp <idornick>
Show how much a player have left on skin or vehicle.

Shows in what area you are in.
!area <idornick>
Shows in what area a player is in.

Show information about the vehicle you are driving.
!car <idornick>
Show information about the vehicle a player is driving.

Show your status.
!status <idornick>
Show status of an online player.

Show the server time.

Show what Server ID you have.
!id <idornick>
Show what Server ID a player have.

Show a mini version of the rules

Show your stats.
!stats <nick_or_id>
Show your stats.

Shows your clans stats.
!clanstats <clantag>
Show other clans stats.

Show your current rank based on kills.

Shows top 5 kill, death and ratio.

!game list
Show the list of game available.
!game help <game_name>
Show help about a specific game.
!game start <game_name>
Start a game.
!game join
Joins a started game.
!game leave
Leave a game.

countdown from max to zero(0).
!count <sec>
Countdown from a specific value to zero.

!votekick <nickorid> <reason>
Vote for a player should be kicked.

Vote in favour.

Show your current ping.
!ping <nickorid>
Show other players ping.

Tells the max ping allowed in the server.

Show whose the admins are.